Motivating and inspiring dinner with Mindaugas Rudys

A clear goal, maximum concentration and sincere self-belief - elements necessary not only at work, but also at the IRONMAN race says our fellow alumnus Mindaugas Rudys.

On 16 November we had an evening full of energy, motivation and strong will while listening to an inspiring story told by Mindaugas Rudys, Board Member at Šiaulių Bankas who also became no. 170 in the world's IRONMAN rating. Impressive, right?

A secret ingredient towards success? Regular, consistent and hard work. However, Mindaugas shared some rules he follows that might be relevant on your journeys as well:

  • Anything is possible: if you are focused and motivated enough, challenges can't stop you on the way

  • One percent better: you have to improve constantly and regularly

  • No excuses: difficulties that occur shouldn't become reasons to stop

  • More is not better: rational evaluation is always a better decision that a blind maximum