BMI Alumni Summer Event 2012: Memorable Moments and Competition Results

Just like every year, BMI Alumni together with their families again competed in the traditional Summer Adventure event on Saturday, June 30.

Eight teams joined the adventurous auto-orienteering competition, during which they had to visit historical and cultural spots, answer tricky questions and solve riddles. That contest finished at a beautiful place in the countryside near Lake Kalviu, where participants further demonstrated their creativity in a culinary competition.

This year's Summer Adventure coincided with the start of the BMI Alumni "SHARING IS MULTIPLYING" programme. Additionally, the first BMI Alumni Association member cards were handed out.

The winners of the various competitions were awarded with prizes presented by event sponsors Krasta Auto, Alita, and Omnitel. 

Special thanks to UAB "Švyturys-Utenos alus" and AB “Alita”, which provided beer, brandy, champagne and cocktails for all the participants.

Auto-orienteering competition winners:

1 place: Giedrė Tarbūnienė with daughter Ugnė, Vaida Tūzaitė and Žymantas Rutkauskas!

2 place: Rasa Lapinskaitė and Igoris Baikovskis!

3 place: Marija Digrytė and Martynas Špokas!

The team which visited most Hydro Power plants and the winner of the culinary competition: Rokas Knyva‘s family!